Home > 4.1 Parliamentary elections > ARMENIA - Electoral Code
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Article 78

Electoral districts

1. During elections of the National Assembly, 13 electoral districts shall be constituted in the Republic of Armenia — 4 in Yerevan, 9 in marzes.

2. In the territory of the city of Yerevan 4 electoral districts shall be constituted — Avan, Nor Nork, Kanaker-Zeytun administrative districts shall be included in the 1st electoral district, Arabkir, Ajapnyak, Davitashen administrative districts — in the 2nd electoral district, Malatia-Sebastia, Shengavit administrative districts — in the 3rd electoral district, Kentron, Nork-Marash, Erebuni, Nubarashen administrative districts — in the 4th electoral district.

3. In marzes 9 electoral districts shall be constituted — Ararat Marz, Armavir Marz, Aragatsotn Marz, Gegharkunik Marz, Lori Marz, Kotayk Marz, Shirak Marz, Syunik and Vayots Dzor Marzes, Tavush Marz.