Home > 6 Political parties > AUSTRIA - Federal Law on National Council Elections (Regulations on National Council Elections 1992 – NRWO)
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§ 75

Official ballot paper of the provincial constituency

(1) In the official ballot papers of the regional constituencies of each provincial constituency an equally sized column has to be provided for each party taking part in the elections. Each column has to contain the list number, a circle, the name of the party and any abbreviation and under it a blank space where the name or the sequential number of a candidate from the federal party list of the party being voted or the candidate of the respective provincial party list for can be entered, as well as a special column for the candidates entered in the order, in which they appear on the regional party list with a circle and an Arabic digit, stating their family name or last name, first name and year of birth.
The details published according to § 49 and illustrated in the specimen in schedule 6 have to also be entered in these columns. Ballot paper templates (§ 66, para 1) are to be produced in the same way. The official ballot papers as well as the ballot paper templates can only be made on request of the provincial elections authorities and after the notice by the federal election authority according to § 106 para 6 has been received.

(2) The size of the ballot papers in each provincial constituency has to be set according to the number of entries on the provincial party list numbers, as well as to the number of regional candidates of the parties. Ballot papers have to be at least a DIN A3 format. For all party names, equally sized rectangles and block letters are to be used and all abbreviations of party names are to be printed in equally seized block letters of the largest possible size. If a party name extends over more than three lines, the size of the block letters can be adjusted accordingly. The word "list" has to be printed in smaller font size letters. For the list numbers standardized larger-size figures can be used. All documents have to be printed in black exclusively. The dividing lines between the rectangles as well as all circles should be equally dark.

(3) The official provincial ballot papers have to be presented by the provincial elections authorities directly to the ward elections authorities in Vienna. In the case of the municipal and ward elections authorities outside of Vienna, this has to be done through the district commission and the municipalities and in the towns with an own charter through the same authorities. The number of official ballot papers to be presented is calculated on the number of persons entitled to vote registered in the respective elections authorities plus another 15 % of this number as a reserve. A further surplus of 5 % of those has to be presented to the district administrative authorities in case there should be more ballot papers needed by any election authority on election day. On receipt of the ballot papers for the respective provincial constituency, an acknowledgement of receipt has to be issued in duplicate. One copy is for the delivering party, the second one for the accepting party.

(4) The costs for the production of the official ballot papers and the ballot paper templates (§ 66, para 1) are to be covered by the state.