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Article 94

1. No later than 60 days prior to the election date, the prefect of the region submits to the CEC a complete list of buildings within the territory of the region, that meet the criteria specified in points 1 and 2 of article 93 and of this article. No later than 40 days from the election date, the CEC designates, by a decision, the Ballot Counting Centre. In designating the Ballot Counting Centre, the CEC may select the municipality that is the centre of the region even if it is located outside the territorial jurisdiction of the EAZ, or a municipality within the territory of the EAZ, or even the largest administrative unit, if the municipalities do not meet the criteria specified in article 93 and in this article. In selecting the location of the BCC, the CEC gives priority to the logistical facilities related to road transportation, the distance from the voting centres and the space of the potential premises. As a rule, the Ballot Counting Centre does not change from one election to another.
The Ballot Counting Centre is designated in large rooms or in gymnasiums. The Ballot Counting Centres are placed at the disposal of the CEAZs no later than 10 days prior to the election date. The CEAZ, no later than 5 days before the election date, invites the electoral subjects and VCC members to get to know the Ballot Counting Centre. In selecting the location, the CEC should also take into consideration the possibility of applying the supporting technology for counting the votes in accordance with point 4 of this article.

2. Before introducing the Ballot Counting Centre to the relevant electoral subjects and respective VCCs, the CEC prepares the necessary logistical infrastructure for the counting centre, including uninterrupted lighting for the beginning and successful execution of the vote counting process according to a model of arrangement approved by the CEC and the respective instructions of the CEC. For this purpose, the CEC arranges work tables for each Counting Team, ensuring that they have sufficient space for conducting the vote counting process. The work tables are arranged in such a way that they are visible for the CEAZ members and observers, candidates or media representatives, and that they allow the application of the supporting technology in accordance with point 4 of this article. The observers remain in front of the Counting Teams at a short distance from the work tables, or, if the technology in accordance with point 4 of this article is used, in front of the screen. The observers must not have physical contact with the voting materials. The work tables of the Counting Teams, as well as the seats of the CEAZ members, must be in the same room where the vote counting process takes place. A Ballot Counting Centre cannot have fewer than 3 and more than 10 work tables. The details for the organisation of work and the number of counting tables for each Ballot Counting Centre shall be established in a normative act of the CEC.

3. The logistical equipment necessary for the vote counting process are provided by the CEC in co-operation with other central or local bodies.

4. The CEC decides on the use of registration cameras and screens for displaying the ballot papers before their evaluation. High resolution cameras are installed above the counting table in such a way as to make possible the recording of the evaluation of each ballot paper. The film recording is transmitted in real time on screens placed in front of the observers of electoral subjects. The filming of the process is recorded electronically and is delivered to the CEC together with the other election materials. The CEC or, when it is possible, the CEAZ as well, shall make reproduction copies of them and put them at the disposal of the electoral subjects against payment of a tariff that covers the reproduction cost.