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Article 95

95.1. Copies of financial reports of registered candidates, of political parties and blocs of political parties which have a registered candidate, and of referendum campaign groups shall be published within 5 days of their receipt by the relevant election commissions.

95.2. The relevant bank shall inform the Central Election Commission on funds entered into and spent from the election funds of candidates, registered candidates, political parties and blocs of political parties, in the manner determined by the Central Election Commission, no less than once a week, and no less than once every three banking days if there are only 10 days remaining until Election Day. The State Computerized information System may be used for such purposes, and dissemination of such information shall not be allowed.
Accordingly, Constituency Election Commissions or the Central Election Commission shall submit the information on collecting and expenditure of election funds to the mass media on a regular basis, not less than once every two weeks up to the Election Day. Upon official inquiry, the relevant election commission shall provide registered candidates, political parties and blocs of political parties, with the data received from the relevant bank on the collection and expenditure on the parties’ or candidates’ own election funds.

95.3. The periodicals considered by Articles 77.2, 77.3 and 77.4 of this Code shall be obliged to publish information on the receipt and expenditure of funds given to them by the relevant election commissions.

95.4. The relevant executive authorities shall submit information on founders of a legal entity or legal entities; the presence or absence of state, municipal or foreign shares in a legal entities’ charter capital; the name of the legal entity; and the date of registration of the legal entity to the relevant election commissions within five days after the list of legal entities which have made donations to candidates, political parties and blocs of political parties is received from the relevant election commissions. This information shall be submitted in the format defined by the Central Election Commission. The State Automated information System may be used for these purposes, but dissemination of such information shall not be allowed.

95.5. The relevant election commission shall provide candidates, registered candidates, political parties and blocs of political parties with information received by the commission immediately upon their request.

95.6. if the relevant election commission receives information about a contribution that violates the requirements of Articles 90 and 93 of this Code, the relevant candidate, registered candidate, political parties, blocs of political parties or referendum campaign groups shall be informed about this immediately.