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Article 162

162.1. A candidate, political party, or bloc of political parties should pay the full cost of free airtime and free space to the TV and Radio companies and periodicals mentioned in Articles 77.2 and 77.3 of this Code. This amount should be paid from the election fund by the candidate, political parties, and blocs of political parties before the day of submission of the final financial report. The Central Election Commission shall transfer the following to the TV and Radio companies and periodicals mentioned in Articles 77.2 and 77.3 of this Code within 3 days of the official publication of the general results of elections:

• the list of candidates, political parties, blocs of political parties considered by paragraph 1 of this Article, as well as the list of political parties included in the bloc of political parties mentioned above;
• addresses of such candidates, parties, and blocs of parties; and
• certified copies of extracts from joint decisions of a bloc of political parties on payment of used free airtime and space allocated by periodicals.

162.2. Within 10 days of the date of official publication of the general election results, the TV and Radio companies and periodicals mentioned in Articles 77.2 and 77.3 of this Code shall send relevant information on the cost of the allocated free airtime and free space, their legal addresses, and bank account to the candidates, political parties, blocs of political parties, and political parties in the blocs of political parties.

162.3. The cost of the allocated free airtime and space in periodicals considered by Articles 80.5, 83.6 and 155.2 of this Code shall be determined in a manner considered by Articles 80.6 and 83.7 of this Code, i.e. by multiplying the total amount of free airtime and space provided to the candidates, political parties, and blocs of political parties by TV and Radio companies and periodicals, by the cost of airtime and space allocated for publishing information as determined by TV and Radio companies and periodicals.

162.4. When political parties and blocs of political parties with candidates registered in more than 60 single-mandate constituencies use free airtime to conduct joint election campaign activities considered by Article 155.2 of this Code, the amount of funds returned by each political party and bloc of political parties shall be determined by the TV and Radio companies by dividing it proportionally by the total number of participants in the joint campaign activity.

162.5. if a candidate, political party, or bloc of political parties refuses to use free airtime in conformity with the rules and period defined by Article 81.5 of this Code, the cost of presented free airtime shall not be paid.

162.6. TV and Radio companies and periodicals considered by Articles 77.2 and 77.3 of this Code shall inform the Central Election Commission within 12 months of Voting Day about the candidates and political parties that did not completely pay the cost of free airtime or space. The Constituency Election Commission shall inform the Central Election Commission within 12 months of Voting Day about citizens or political parties who owe debts to the election commission.