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Article 214

214.1. Political parties, blocs of political parties, and citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan who live permanently in the same election constituency and have the right to vote, may nominate candidates for a member of a municipality in the election constituency in accordance with the Articles 53 and 54 of this Code.

214.2. Candidates for municipality membership in repeat elections to municipalities shall be nominated after the decision on determination of these elections is officially published.

214.3. Candidates for municipality membership in by elections to municipalities shall be nominated after the period mentioned in Article 213.2 of this Code.

214.4. The nominee may consent to nomination to one municipality only.

214.5. The candidate nominated for municipal membership may be nominated and registered in one municipality only.

214.6. Notification on nomination and consent of relevant candidates and other documents shall be sent to the Central Election Commission if formation of a Constituency Election Commission is not completed by the time nomination of candidates for municipality membership takes place. The Central Election Commission shall submit the abovementioned documents to the Constituency Election Commission after it is formed and its chairperson has been elected.