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Article 50

During elections of the President of the Republic of Belarus, deputies of the House of Representatives, deputies of the local Councils of Deputies, referendum or voting on the recall of a deputy the voting is held from 8 till 20 hours.Precinct commissions inform the voters or participants in the referendum about the day of elections, referendum, voting on the recall of a deputy, time and the place of the voting, telephone number of commission and send the information about candidates for the President of the Republic of Belarus, for deputies provided by the Central Commission, territorial, circuit electoral commission respectively not later than 10 days before the elections, referendum or voting on the recall of a deputy.

At voting precincts formed in military units, sanatoriums preventoriums, rest houses, hospitals and other healthcare organizations providing in-patient medical assistance, the precinct commissions may declare voting finished before 20 hours if all voters or participants included into the list have voted.