Home > 4.1.2 Upper house > MEXICO - General Law on Electoral Institutions and Procedures of Mexico
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Article 349

349.1. The scrutiny and count certificate of each committee will be organized according to the corresponding electoral district.

349.2. The staff of the Institute previously appointed by the General Executive Board will, in the presence of the general representatives of political parties, carry out the addition of the results recorded in the scrutiny and count certificate of the respective committees in order to obtain the result of the votes cast abroad for the election of the President of the United Mexican States and senators, by state, which will be recorded in the corresponding count certificate.

349.3. The district count certificates will be signed by the responsible official and by the general representative of each political party appointed for this purpose.

349.4. The certificates of the count of the votes cast abroad mentioned in the previous paragraphs of this article will be made in the presence of the general representatives of the political parties and the independent candidates.