BELGIUM - Constitution (2020)
BELGIUM - Extracts Constitution (2014)
CYPRUS- Constitution of Cyprus (1960)
CZECH REPUBLIC - Constitution (1993)
GEORGIA - Constitution (2020)
GERMANY - Extracts of the Constitution (1976)
GERMANY - Extracts of the Constitution (1969)
IRELAND - Extracts of the Constitution (1937)
ITALY - Extracts of the Constitution (1947)
NETHERLANDS- Extracts of the Constitution (1983)
POLAND - Extracts of the Constitution (1997)
ROMANIA - Constitution Excerpts (2003)
SPAIN - Extracts of the Constitution (1978)
SWITZERLAND - Constitution (2020)
SWITZERLAND - Extracts of the Constitution (2005)
SWITZERLAND - Federal Constitution of the Swiss Confederation (2021)
SWITZERLAND - Federal Constitution of the Swiss Confederation (1999)
SWITZERLAND - Federal Constitution of the Swiss Confederation (2015)
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Constitution (1992)
10ROMANIA - Law No. 288 (2015)
14BULGARIA - Election Code (2023)
1ALBANIA - Electoral Code of the Republic of Albania (2020)
7ROMANIA - Law No. 334 (2006)
9ROMANIA - Law No. 208 (2015)
ARMENIA - Electoral Code (2016)
BELARUS - Electoral Code (2000)
BELARUS - Electoral Code (2015)
BELARUS - Electoral Code (2013)
BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA - Election Law (2022)
BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA - Election Law (2016)
BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINIA - Election Law (2001)
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA - Election Law (2018)
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA - Election Law (2022)
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA - Election Law (2022)
BULGARIA - Election Code (2019)
BULGARIA - Election Code (2020)
BULGARIA - Election Code (2021)
BULGARIA - Election Code (2014)
CZECH REPUBLIC - Act on Elections to the Parliament (2006)
CZECH REPUBLIC- Act on Elections to the Parliament and on Amendments of Certain Other Acts (1995)
FINLAND - Election Act (2013)
ICELAND - Elections Act (2023)
KAZAKHSTAN - Constitutional Act On Elections (2011)
KOREA - Public Offical Election Act (2014)
MALTA - European Parliament Elections Act (2023)
MEXICO - General Law on Electoral Institutions and Procedures of Mexico (2014)
MEXICO - General Law on Political Parties (2014)
MOLDOVA - Electoral Code 2016 and 2017 Law for Amending and Completing Certain Legislative Acts (Electoral System for the Election of Parliament) (2017)
NETHERLANDS - Elections Act (1989)
NETHERLANDS - Elections Act (2013)
POLAND - Election Code (2019)
POLAND - Election Code (2011)
POLAND - Election Code Amendments (2023)
POLAND - Parliamentary Election Law (2001)
ROMANIA - Law no. 115 for the election of local public administration authorities, amending the Law of local public administration no. 215/2001, as well as amending and supplementing Law no. 393/2004 on the statute of local elected offi cials (2015)
ROMANIA - Law no. 208/2015 on the election of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, as well as on the organisation and functioning of the Permanent Electoral Authority (2015)
ROMANIA - Law no. 288 on the postal voting, as well as amending and supplementing Law no. 208/2015 on the election of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, as well as on the organisation and functioning of the Permanent Electoral Auth (2015)
ROMANIA - Law no. 334/2006 on financing the activity of political parties and electoral campaigns (2006)
ROMANIA - Law on the Election of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, as well as the Organisation and Functioning of the Permanente Electoral Authority (2020)
ROMANIA - Regulations for the 2016 Election of Local Public Administration Authorities (2015)
ROMANIA- Regulations on The Elections To The Chamber of Deputies and The Senate (2008)
TÜRKIYE - Basic Provisions on Elections and Voter Registers (1999)
UKRAINE - Law on Elections of the People's Deputies (2016)