Home > 4.1.2 Upper house > ROMANIA - Law no. 334/2006 on financing the activity of political parties and electoral campaigns
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Article 50

The Law no. 373/2004*) on the election of the Chamber of Deputies and of the Senate, published in Romania’s Official Journal, Ist part, no. 887 on 29th September 2004, with further amendments, is modified as it follows:

1. Article 28, para (2) shall have the following content:

"(2) The organization and functioning of the structures of the Permanent Electoral Authority, the number of positions, the personnel’s statute, its attributions and organizational structure shall be settled trough the Regulation for the organization and functioning, approved through decision of the permanent offices of the two Chambers of the Parliament, at the proposal of the Permanent Electoral Authority. The personnel of the Permanent Electoral Authority has the same statute as the personnel of the two Chambers of the Parliament. The provisions of the art XVI within the Title III of the Book II in the Law no 161/ 2003 on certain measures for ensuring the transparency in exercising high rank official functions, the public functions and in the business environment, as well as for preventing and sanctioning the corruption, with further amendments shall not be applicable for the organization and functioning of the structures of this authority.

2. Article 29 para (4) shall have the following content:

"(4) In fulfilling its attributions, the Permanent Electoral Authority adopts decisions, resolutions and instructions, which shall be signed by the president and by the vice presidents. The decisions of the Permanent Electoral Authority shall be published in Romania’s Official Journal, Ist part, and they are mandatory for all the bodies and authorities having electoral attributions.

*) The Law no. 373/2004 was repealed through the Law no. 35/2008.