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Article 83

The regional and Minsk city territorial electoral commission on the basis of the protocols of circuit electoral commissions establishes the results of elections of deputies of the House of Representatives in the territory of the region, the city of Minsk and take the respective decision.The decision of the regional and Minsk city territorial electoral commission together with the protocols of circuit electoral commissions and the documents mentioned in part five of Article 82 of this Code shall be submitted to the Central Commission, in person, by the chairperson or deputy chairperson or secretary of the commission not later than on the sixth day after the elections.

In case of detection of mistakes and irregularities in the protocols of precinct, territorial or circuit electoral commissions as well as of other violations committed in the course of voting or during the count of votes, the regional, Minsk city territorial electoral commission, on its own initiative or the application of the candidate, is entitled to take a decision on a recount of votes by the respective territorial or circuit electoral commission. An application on a recount of votes is submitted to the regional, Minsk city electoral commission not later than on the third day after the elections. The recount of votes of the voters is made by the territorial or circuit electoral commission in the presence of a member (members) of the regional, Minsk city electoral commission and, if required, of the precinct electoral commissions.

The regional, Minsk city electoral commission may recognize elections as invalid if violations of the requirements of this Code were committed in the course of elections or during the count of votes or when determining the results of elections, which influenced the results of the elections.The decision of the regional and Minsk city territorial electoral commission may be appealed by the candidate for deputy to the Central Commission within three days from the day of its taking.