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Article 120

On the basis of the protocols received from the district, city or city-district commissions on the referendum, the regional or the Minsk City commissions on the referendum determine:

the total number of citizens in the region or the City of Minsk, having the right to participate in the referendum;

the number of citizens who received ballots;

the number of citizens who have taken part in the voting, including the number of citizens who have taken part in the early voting, the number of citizens who have taken part in the voting at the place of location and the number of citizens who have taken part in the voting on the day of the referendum at the voting precinct;

the number of persons who voted in favor of the issue (draft decision) submitted to the referendum, and the number of persons who voted against its approval;

the number of ballots recognized as invalid;

the number of ballots issued to district, city and city-district commissions on the referendum;

the number of spoiled ballots; and

the number of unused ballots.

The referendum results for the regions or the city of Minsk are determined at the sittings of the regional or the Minsk City commissions on the referendum and put down in the protocol.The record is signed by the chairperson, the deputy chairperson, the secretary and the members of the regional or the Minsk City commissions on the referendum and submitted not later than on the fourth day after the end of the voting by the chairperson, or the deputy chairperson, or the commission secretary, in person, to the Central Commission and to the body which set up the regional or the Minsk City commissions on the referendum, for information.The protocol forwarded to the Central Commission encloses, if any, special opinions of the members of the commissions and statements of other persons on violations made in the course of the voting or during the count of votes and the decisions of the commission, taken on them.

In case when the bodies which set up the regional or the Minsk City commissions on the referendum, detect violations of the requirements of this Code or other acts of legislation of the Republic of Belarus made in the course of the voting or counting of votes, that is immediately notified to the Central Commission.