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Article 101

Preliminary actions of the VCC

1. The VCC, under the direction of its chairman and deputy chairman and in the presence of the observers of the subjects, one hour prior to the opening of the voting, performs these duties:

a) arranges the tables, chairs and voting booths in such a manner as to ensure the secrecy of the voting and the free and rapid movement of voters;

b) removes any propaganda material that may be found within the voting centre and within a range of 150 meters around it;

c) posts instructions for voting at a suitable and visible place within the voting centre;

ç) puts into place other materials required by the CEC;

d) checks all materials received;

dh) shows to observers the empty ballot boxes and closes them according to the procedure specified in letter (e) of this point;

e) seals the ballot boxes with the security codes and records the numbers of the security seals in the Record of Sealing of the ballot boxes and in the VCC Meeting Record Book, which are to be signed by all VCC members. If any of the seals with the security codes is damaged during the closing of the box, it is replaced by one of the additional seals. The number of the security code of the damaged seal and that of the additional one are noted in the VCC Meeting Record Book and the Record of Sealing.  The original official record is put into the envelope marked “THE ENVELOPE FOR THE RECORD OF SEALING”, which is put into the ballot box for the electoral subjects before the beginning of the voting process. Copies of the Record of Sealing with the stamp of the VCC are given to the VCC members and to observers of the parliamentary parties;

ë) clearly writes the number of the voting centre on one of the lateral sides of the box, and puts into place distinguishing signs that make it clear to the voter where he should cast each of the ballot papers.

 2. The VCC members in the presence of the observers make a decision on the opening of the voting and sign it.