Home > 6 Political parties > MEXICO - General Law on Political Parties
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Article 40

1. The political parties could, in their statutes, establish the categories of their members in accordance with their level of participation and responsibilities. Also, they should establish the rights of the members, among which at least the following will be included:

a) To participate personally and directly, or through representatives, in the assemblies, councils, conventions or equivalent in which decisions related to the approval of the basic documents of the political parties and their modif cations, the election of leaders and candidates for elective offices, the merger, coalition, creation of alliances and dissolution of the political party, are adopted;

b) To run for off ce within the internal selection processes of candidates for offices of popular representation, provided that they comply with the requirements established in the applicable provisions and in the statutes of every political party;

c) To run for off ce within the selection processes of leaders, as well as to be nominated in any other employment or commission within the political party, provided that they comply with the requirements established by their statutes;

d) To request and to receive public information about any issue of the political party, in the terms of the laws on transparency, independently of whether or not they have a direct legal interest in the matter regarding which they request the information;

e) To request the accountability of their leaders through the reports that they are required to present during their tenure, based on the internal regulations;

f) To demand the compliance with the basic documents of the political party;

g) To receive political training and education, and information, for the exercise of their political and electoral rights;

h) To have access to the internal jurisdiction of the political party and, where applicable, to receive legal guidance in the exercise and enjoyment of their rights as members when these are violated within the political party;

i) To appeal the rulings and decisions of the internal bodies that affect their political-electoral rights to the Tribunal or the local electoral tribunal, and

j) To endorse, where applicable, or renounce their membership.