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Article 20
(1) All public officers in the service of the Government of Malta and all officers of bodies corporate established by law are, notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, hereby authorized and required to furnish to the Commission all information that it my require in order to be able to determine whether a person is entitled to be registered as a voter or to remain so registered.
(2) The Commissioner of Police shall assist the Commission by causing enquiries to be made, information to be collected, and claims to be checked and in such other manner as may be necessary.
(3) The public officer or officers responsible for the Public Registries of Malta and Gozo shall, within the first five days of each month, forward to the Commission a list containing the name, surname, identity card number, if any, and other particulars of each person whose death has been registered during the preceding month as well as a list containing similar particulars of all persons who have contracted marriage in the preceding month and a list containing similar particulars of all persons who have reached the age of eighteen years in the preceding month.
(4) The Registrar of Superior Courts in Malta and the Registrar of the Courts of Gozo or other persons having such function shall, each with regard to the Court to which he is attached, within the first five days of each month, forward to the Commission a list containing the name, surname, identity card number, if any, and other particulars of each person who has been interdicted for reasons of mental incapacity by a competent Court as well as a list containing similar particulars of all persons who have been sentenced by any Court in Malta to imprisonment (by whatever name called) for a term exceeding twelve months or to such a sentence of imprisonment the execution of which has been suspended.
(5) Any public offer or other person responsible for any prison in Malta shall within the first five days of each month forward to the Commission a list containing the name, surname, identify card number, if any, and other particulars of any person who has been released from prison in the preceding month.
(6) The public officer or other person responsible for the office responsible for the grant or withdrawal of citizenship shall within the first give days of each month, forward to the Commission a list containing the name, surname, identity card number, if any, and other particulars of any person who has been granted citizenship or whose citizenship has been withdrawn in the preceding month.
(7) The Commission shall forward to the party delegates a copy of such lists within five days of the receipt thereof.