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Article 53a

During the election campaign, Television of Montenegro and Radio of Montenegro shall ensure to validated candidate list submitting entities free of charge broadcasting time in an equal and daily manner, within the appropriate commercial marketing blocks on the TV channel or radio channel whose audibility and visibility are ensured in the entire territory of Montenegro, for:

- political advertising TV and audio video clips in all political marketing blocks, to the extent not less than 200 seconds per day, depending on the planned number of political marketing advertising blocks;

- 3 minute reports from promotional rallies twice a day, in timeslots following the central evening news on TV and radio channels.

Production of contents referred to in para.1 indent 1 of this Article shall be an obligation of the candidate list submitting entity which is being promoted. During election campaigns, local and regional public broadcasters shall provide to validated candidate list submitting entities equal and daily free of charge broadcasting time to the extent and in the manner referred to in paras. 1 and 2 of this Article, within commercial marketing blocks, whose audibility and visibility are ensured in the entire territory of the local government unit.