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Article 217

§ 1. The total number of votes expressed for the lists of a linguistic group is divided by the number of seats to be distributed to this linguistic group. This quotient serves as an electoral divisor.

§ 2. For the calculation of the electoral divisor, the valid votes from the electoral constituencies and the administrative municipality of Hal-Vilvorde mentioned in article 217quater for the lists that have handed in a declaration of correspondence according to article 217 and that participate in the allocation of the seats for the francophone group, are taken into consideration in the total number of valid votes for the francophone group.

The valid votes for the presented lists in the electoral constituencies mentioned in article 217quinquies having handed in a declaration of correspondence according to article 217 and participate in the allocation of the seats for the Dutch speaking group, are taken into consideration in the total general number of valid votes for the Dutch speaking group.

With the exception of the valid votes for the lists in the electoral constituency of Brussels Region, the valid votes in favor of the lists presented in the electoral constituency mentioned in article 217quater that have not handed in a declaration of correspondence according to article 217, are taken into account in the total number of valid votes for the Francophone group.

With the exception of the votes for the lists in the electoral constituency of Brussels Region, the valid votes in favor of the lists presented in the electoral constituencies mentioned in article 217quinquies that have not handed in a declaration of correspondence according to article 217, are taken into account in the total number of valid voids for the Dutch-speaking group.

In the electoral constituency of Brussels Region, the total number of votes in favor of the lists that have not handed in a declaration of correspondence according to article 217, are split between the francophone group and the Dutch-speaking group depending on the proportion of valid votes in favor of the francophone or Dutch lists, respectively compared to the total number of votes for the last elections of the Brussels Regional Parliament.

§ 3. A political alliance gets allocated as many seats as his total number of votes mentioned in article 217ter, is contained in the electoral divisor.

The remaining seats are allocated in decreasing order to the political alliances with the highest numbers of surplus votes not yet used in the process.