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Article 33

(1) The Commission shall cause a revised Electoral Register to be published in the Gazette twice a year, that is to say, in the month of April and in the month of October. Such Register shall contain all corrections, additions, transfers and cancellations as on the thirty-first day of March and the thirtieth day of September immediately preceding the publication thereof.

(2) The Electoral Register shall be published in two distinct formats. The first format shall be divided into as many parts as there are localities whilst the second format shall be divided into as many parts as there are divisions.

For all the purposes of this Act the Electoral Register published in the first format shall be considered to be the Electoral Register required by this Act and changes relative to the registration of voters in the said register appearing in the said first format shall also be made and published by the Commission in the register published in the second format.

(3) Each format of the Electoral Register shall indicate the total number of voters registered in each locality or division as the case may be subdivided by street, part of locality or locality as the case may be, as well as the total number of voters for each locality and division, as the case may be, that have been added, deleted, transferred from one locality or division, as the case may be, to another and shall indicate by a distinguishing mark the names of all voters who have been registered for the first time or who have been added to the register after their registration had been previously canceled by the Commission. Such information shall be given in such format as the Commission may deem makes it most comprehensible to the public.

(4) Where the Commission in exercise of its powers under subsection (1) of section 31 of this Act, subdivides any locality it shall show such information for each part of that locality so subdivided.

(5) The provisions of this section shall be and remain inoperative from the day of any dissolution of the House until the conclusion of the following general election.

(6) Notwithstanding the provisions of the last preceding subsection, where, prior to any dissolution of the House of Representatives --

(a) any alteration to the boundaries of the electoral divisions has been approved by the House under the provisions of section 61 of the Constitution: and

(b) such alteration has not been shown in a revised electoral register under subsection (1) of this section,the Commission shall cause to be published in the Gazette, as soon as possible after the dissolution and in any case not later than three working days after the publication of the election Writ in the Gazette, a revised Electoral Register, the revision of which consisting in the name included in the Electoral Register last published being shown in accordance with such alteration.

(7) The Commission shall in addition publish the Electoral Register in electro-magnetic format.