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Article 236

(1) (Amended, SG No. 39/2016, effective 26.05.2016) Where a voter is visually impaired or with ambulant difficulties, which prevents him or her from performing the requisite steps upon voting on his or her own, the chairperson of the commission may allow the voting to be performed with the assistance of an attendant named by the voter. If the decision of the chairman is disputed by a member of the commission, the dispute shall be resolved finally by the section election commission. In the case of a voter who moves with the assistance of an attendant but can perform the requisite steps upon voting on his or her own, the attendant shall be admitted only to the polling booth and shall thereafter exit the booth while the voter is voting.

(2) The names and the Standard Public Registry Personal Number of the attendant shall be entered in the column designated aNotesa of the electoral roll opposite the name of the voter by a member of the commission. The particulars of the attendant shall furthermore be entered on the list for additional entry of attendants, whereupon the attendant shall sign. The said list shall furthermore be signed by the chairperson and the secretary.

(3) Where the impairment prevents the voter from signing, a member of the commission shall note avoteda and shall sign in the signature space. This circumstance shall be noted in the column designated aNotesa and in the tally sheet of the section election commission.

(4) Illiteracy shall not be grounds for voting with the assistance of an attendant.

(5) One person may not act as an attendant to more than two voters.

(6) A member of the commission, a representative of a party, coalition or nomination committee, an election agent or an observer may not act as an attendant.