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Within the meaning given by this Code:

1. A Bulgarian national who ahas resided in Bulgaria during the last five yearsa shall be any such national who had actual residence and permanent abode within the territory of Bulgaria during more than half of the time of each of the five years preceding the date of the election. The stay outside the Republic of Bulgaria shall also qualify as residence in Bulgaria for the time during which a Bulgarian national was sent there by the Bulgarian State.


9. (Amended, SG No. 39/2016, effective 26.05.2016) aCoalitiona shall be a pre-election alliance of political parties, which is registered at the Central Election Commission, formed for the purpose of contesting a particular type of elections.

10. Parties and coalitions arepresented in Parliamenta shall be the parties and coalitions which contested the last elections of National Representatives and had a parliamentary group in the National Assembly as at the date of scheduling of the relevant type of election.


15. aMedia servicea shall be the creation and distribution of information and content which are intended for reception by, and which could have a clear impact on, a significant proportion of the general public, irrespective of the means and technology used for delivery of the said information and content. The following shall be media services:

(a) the print media: newspapers, magazines and other periodical publications;
(b) the media distributed over electronic communications networks, such as:
(aa) the public-service and commercial electronic media: licensed or registered public-service or commercial providers of audiovisual media services or radio services;
(bb) the online news-services: the online editions of newspapers, magazines, news agencies and other electronic publications.

The social networks: Facebook, Twitter and other such, and the personal blogs shall not be media services.

16. aMedia service providera shall be a sole-trader natural person or a legal person who or which has editorial responsibility for the choice of the content of the media service and determines the manner in which the said service is organised. aEditorial responsibilitya shall be the exercise of effective control over the content, the programme schedules and the catalogue of the services provided.


19. aRepeated violationa shall be any violation which is committed within three months after a penalty decree, whereby a sanction was imposed for a violation of the same kind, became enforceable.