Home > 1.6.1 By-elections, repeat and re-run elections > ROMANIA- Regulations on The Elections To The Chamber of Deputies and The Senate
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Article 16

(1) At the level of each of the 43 constituencies they shall set up an electoral bureau of constituency, formed of 3 judges, a representative of the Permanent Electoral Authority, and of no more than 9 representatives of the political parties, political alliances, electoral alliances, and organisations of citizens belonging to national minorities participating in the elections, according to the present title, in the respective constituency. The electoral bureau of constituency for the citizens with the domicile or residence outside the country shall have the headquarters in the municipality of Bucharest.

(2) The appointment of the 3 judges shall be made in open meeting, within 21 days of the beginning of the electoral period, by the president of the tribunal, by drawing lots from among the judges in exercise of the county tribunal, of the Bucharest Tribunal, respectively, for the Constituency of Bucharest and for the constituency for the Romanians with the domicile or residence outside the country. The date of the meeting shall be made public, by press, by the president of the tribunal, with at least 48 hours in advance. The result of the drawing of lots shall be registered in a minute, signed by the president, which shall represent the act of investiture. Within 24 hours of the appointment, the judges, by secret ballot, shall elect the president of the electoral bureau of constituency and his deputy. From that moment on, the bureau thus set up shall fulfil all the attributions incumbent upon them under the present title, being then completed with the representatives of the Permanent Electoral Authority, representatives of the political parties, political alliances, electoral alliances, and organisations of citizens belonging to national minorities participating in the elections, according to the present title.

(3) Within 24 hours of the date on which the candidatures remain final, the political parties, political alliances, electoral alliances, and organisations of citizens belonging to national minorities participating in the elections according to the present title shall communicate, in writing, to the respective electoral bureau of constituency, the full name of their representatives in the electoral bureau. The communiqués sent after this term shall not be taken into consideration anymore.

(4) The representatives of the Permanent Electoral Authority shall be appointed by this one by decision, within 24 hours of the designation of the judges.

(5) Within 24 hours of the expiry of the time limit stipulated in paragraph (3), the electoral bureau of constituency shall be completed with one representative of each parliamentary political party or political/electoral alliance from among the parliamentary parties that participate in the elections in the respective constituency. Within 24 hours of the completion of the bureau with the representatives of the parliamentary political parties, the electoral bureau of constituency shall also be completed with the representatives of the non-parliamentary parties, organisations of citizens belonging to national minorities, and political or electoral alliances from among them, that participate in the elections in the respective constituency, within the limit of the number of representatives stipulated in paragraph (1). The designation of the representatives of the non-parliamentary political parties, political alliances and electoral alliances from among them shall be done in decreasing order of the number of candidatures remained final from the uninominal colleges of constituency, and in case of equality, by drawing lots.

(6) The electoral offices shall be organised at the level of the districts of the municipality of Bucharest and shall be formed of one president, one deputy of such president, one representative of the Permanent Electoral Authority, and of at least 7 members, representatives of the political parties, political alliances, electoral alliances and organisations of citizens belonging to national minorities participating in the elections in the municipality of Bucharest. The appointment of these representatives shall be made by the proper implementation of the provisions of paragraph (5).

(7) The president and his deputy shall be magistrates appointed by the president of the Tribunal of Bucharest with 20 days prior to the election day, by drawing lots on positions, from among the judges in exercise of the district court.

(8) Within 24 hours of the appointment of magistrates, the political parties, political alliances, electoral alliances and organisations of citizens belonging to national minorities participating in the elections shall communicate in writing the name of their representatives in the electoral office.

(9) Within 24 hours of the appointment of magistrates, the Permanent Electoral Authority shall communicate the name of its representatives appointed by decision, in each electoral office.

(10) The electoral offices shall be completed by the proper implementation of the provisions of paragraph (5), within 24 hours, 48 hours respectively of the communiqués carried out by the electoral competitors.

(11) In the constituencies in which by-elections are organised they shall set up electoral bureaux of constituency formed of 2 judges, one representative of the Permanent Electoral Authority and one representative of each parliamentary political party. The provisions of paragraphs (2)–(4) shall be applied accordingly.

(12) For the organisation and conduct of by-elections they shall set up the Central Electoral Bureau formed of the president and vice presidents of the Permanent Electoral Authority. The Central Electoral Bureau thus set up shall fulfil all the attributions incumbent upon them according to the present title. The additional technical staff shall be provided by the personnel of expertise of the Permanent Electoral Authority.