(1) The President of the Republic shall be elected no sooner than sixty but no later than thirty days prior to the expiry of an incumbent president's mandate; should the incumbent President's mandate terminate prematurely, a new President of the Republic shall be elected within thirty days of such termination. The date for the election of the President of the Republic shall be set by the Speaker of Parliament. Parliament shall elect the President of the Republic by secret ballot.
(2) The election of the President of the Republic shall be preceded by nomination. For a nomination to be valid, the written recommendation of at least one-fifth of the Members of Parliament shall be required. Nominations shall be submitted to the Speaker of Parliament before the vote is ordered. Each Member of Parliament may recommend one candidate. If a Member of Parliament recommends more than one candidate, all recommendations of that Member shall be invalid.
(3) President of the Republic elected in the first round of voting shall be the person who receives a majority of two-thirds of the votes of all Members of Parliament.
(4) If the first round of voting is inconclusive, a second round shall be held. The two candidates receiving the highest and second highest number of votes in the first round may stand in the second round. If in the first round of voting there is a tie in the first place, those candidates may be voted for who have received the highest number of votes. In the event of a tied vote only for second place in the first round of voting, those candidates may be voted for who have received the highest and second highest numbers of votes. President of the Republic elected in the second round of voting shall be the candidate who – regardless of the number of those participating in the vote – receives the highest number of valid votes. Should the second round of voting also be inconclusive, a new election shall be held on the basis of new nominations.
(5) The voting procedure shall be completed within a period of no more than two consecutive days.
(6) The President-elect of the Republic shall enter office upon expiry of the previous President's mandate, or, should the previous President's mandate have ended prematurely, on the eighth day following the announcement of the result of the election; prior to taking office the President-elect of the Republic shall take an oath before Parliament.