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Article 69

(1) A ballot paper cast at the polling station shall be invalid if-

(i) it is blank;
(ii) the voter’s vote has not been marked with a cross in the ballot paper, cf. the second sentence of section 48(1).
(iii) it cannot be definitely decided which of the parties or which independent candidate the voter intended to favour with his or her vote;
(iv) the ballot paper is assumed not to have been handed out at the polling station; or,
(v) the ballot paper has been given a special mark of identification.

(2) An advance ballot paper shall be invalid if-

(i) it is blank;
(ii) it cannot be definitely decided which of the parties or which independent candidate the voter intended to favour with his or her vote;
(iii) the ballot paper carries only the name of a candidate who is not standing in the multimember consti tuency where the voter is on the electoral register, or carries only the name of a party, which has no candidates in the multimember constituency in question;
(iv) an envelope contains something else or more than one ballot paper;
(v) the ballot paper is assumed not to have been procured by the Minister for Social Welfare; or,
(vi) the ballot paper has been given a special mark of identification.

(3) The polling supervisors shall record in the poll book how many ballot papers they considered invalid and the reasons for their judgment.

(4) Following presentation to the parliamentary election scrutiny committee, the Minister for Social Welfare may lay down detailed rules for assessment of ballot papers, including advance ballot papers.