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Article 57

(1) Every political party shall, within ten days of publication of the Writ, be entitled to nominate a number of persons, equal to one and a half time the number of polling booths that there are in the electoral divisions being contested by it, to act as Assistant Commissioners, and to the extent that such persons have the necessary ability to perform the functions of Assistant Commissioner and are not disqualified from so acting by the provisions of this Act the Commission shall appoint Assistant Commissioners from amongst such persons.

(2) In submitting such lists the political parties may distinguish between those persons whom they wish to see appointed to a polling place and those persons whom they wish to be held in reserve and shall moreover have the right to indicate who of the persons nominated by them should be assigned to polling places in retirement homes and hospitals. The political parties may, if they so prefer, submit such lists in electro-magnetic format. Notwithstanding the nomination by a political party each person so nominated shall still file any application required by the Commission from any other person wishing to serve as Assistant Commissioner

(3) For the purpose of the time established in subsection (1) of this section, the Commission shall not later than two days after the publication of the Writ inform the parties of the number of Assistant Commissioners that each party will be required to nominate.

(4) The Commission shall moreover itself nominate as Assistant Commissioners such number of persons as is necessary in order that in each of the polling booths there be in attendance at all times at least one person nominated by the Commission to act as Assistant Commissioner.

(5) In no ease shall there be less than three Assistant Commissioners nominated to superintend the poll in each polling booth and should all or any of the political parties fail to nominate all or any Assistant Commissioners in terms of and within the time established in subsection (1) of this section, the Commission shall itself nominate other Assistant Commissioners in order to ensure that, at least, three Assistant Commissioners are in attendance in each polling booth.

(6) The Assistant Commissioner nominated by the Commission shall act as Chairperson at the polling booth to which each group of Assistant Commissioners are assigned and during voting only the Chairperson shall, when required, communicate with the voters.

(7) The Commission shall, at least five days prior to the start of the poll, forward to each Assistant Commissioner or to the party on their behalf a tag to be worn by them in the polling place indicating their place as Assistant Commissioners and their names..