Home > 3 Electoral systems > KAZAKHSTAN - Constitutional Act On Elections
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Article 9

Electoral systems

1. The following system for vote count shall be applied at the elections of the President, deputies of the Senate and deputes of the Mazhilis of the Parliament to be elected by the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan:

1) (The clause is excluded by the Constitutional Act of RK of 6 November 1998 No. 285-I).

2) a candidate shall be considered as elected who has:

- collected more than fifty percent of votes of voters (electors) taken part in the voting;

- in comparison with the other candidate collected more votes of voters (electors) taken part in the rerun of a vote.1-1. Deputies of the Mazhilis of Parliament from the political parties shall be elected by party lists in the single countrywide electoral district.

2. At elections of maslikhat deputies the candidate, who in comparison with other candidates has collected more votes of the voters taken part in the voting shall be considered as elected.

3. The following vote count system shall be applied at the election of members of other local

self-government bodies:

1) (The sub-clause is excluded by the Constitutional Act of RK of 6 May 1999 No. 375-I).

2) The candidates, who in comparison with other candidates have collected more votes of voters taken part in the voting, shall be considered as elected.