The President of the Republic is elected for a five-year term during the last sixty day period of the presidential term by means of universal, free, direct, secret, fair, and transparent elections, by an absolute majority of votes cast.
In the event that no candidate achieves such a majority in the first round, a second round shall be organised during the two weeks following the announcement of the definitive results of the first round. Only the two candidates having won the highest number of votes during the first round may stand for election in the second round.
In the event of the death of one of the candidates during the first or second round, nominations shall be reopened and new dates for elections shall be set within no more than forty-five days. Withdrawal of candidates from the first or second round will not affect the election.
In the event of failure to hold the presidential elections as a result of imminent danger, the term of presidency shall be extended through passage of a law.
No-one can occupy the post of presidency for more than two full terms, whether consecutive or separate. In the case of resignation, the term counts as a full term.
The constitution may not be amended to increase the number or the length of presidential terms.