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Article 102

1.         The administration of local affairs shall be exercised by local government agencies of first and second level. For the administration of local affairs, there is a presumption of competence in favour of local government agencies. The range and categories of local affairs, as well as their allocation to each level, shall be specified by law. Law may assign to local government agencies the exercise of competences constituting mission of the State.

2.         Local government agencies shall enjoy administrative and financial independence. Their authorities shall be elected by universal and secret ballot, as specified by law. 

3.         Law may provide for compulsory or voluntary associations of local government agencies to execute works or render services or exercise competences belonging to local government agencies; these shall be governed by elected administrations. 

4.         The State shall exercise the supervision of local government agencies, which shall consist exclusively in the review of the legality and shall not be allowed to impede their initiative and freedom of action. The review of legality shall be exercised as specified by law. 

With the exception of cases involving ipso jure forfeiture of office or suspension, disciplinary sanctions to elected administrations of local government agencies shall be imposed only with the concurrent opinion of a council composed in its majority of judges, as specified by law. 

5.         The State shall adopt the legislative, regulatory and fiscal measures required for ensuring the financial independence and the funds necessary to the fulfilment of the mission and exercise of the competences of local government agencies, ensuring at the same time the transparency in the management of such funds. Matters pertaining to the attribution and allocation, among local government agencies, of the taxes or duties provided in their favour and collected by the State shall be specified by law. Every transfer of competences from central or regional administrations of the State to local government also entails the transfer of the corresponding funds. Matters pertaining to the determination and collection of local revenues directly from local government agencies shall be specified by law.