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Article 58

§ 58. Counting of votes cast at advance polls

(1) A division committee shall open the ballot box used for advance polls to count the votes cast at the advance polls at 7 p.m. on election day. At least three members or alternate members of the committee shall be present at the opening.

(2) The votes cast in the advance polls shall be counted in a room separate from the polling place.

(3) The inner envelopes which contain the ballot papers of voters who voted outside the polling division of their residence shall be opened, and the ballots shall be taken into account when summaries are made concerning the results of the advance polls and they shall be kept separately from other ballot papers.

(4) A summary, signed by the chairman of the committee, shall be prepared concerning the results of the advance polls. The results of the advance polls shall be promptly delivered to the county electoral committee or the National Electoral Committee.

(5) The results of the advance polls shall not be disclosed before 8 p.m.

(6) The counting of votes cast at the advance polls in a polling division shall be public. Persons who are present at the counting of votes shall follow any oral orders given by members of the division committee. Persons who are present at the counting of votes shall not bring any means of communication into the room where the votes are counted or leave the room before 8 p.m.