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Article 59

§ 59. Verification of voting results of voters permanently residing in foreign state

(1) The county electoral committee designated in subsection 55 (4) of this Act shall begin counting the votes cast by voters permanently residing in a foreign state at 7 p.m. on election day. At least three members of the county electoral committee shall be present at the opening of the envelopes, including the chairman or deputy chairman of the committee.

(2) The inner envelopes which contain the ballot papers of voters permanently residing in a foreign state shall be opened and a seal shall be affixed to the outside of the ballot papers.

(3) On the basis of the ballot papers, the county electoral committee shall verify the number of voters permanently residing in a foreign state who participated in the voting, the number of invalid ballot papers and the number of votes cast for candidates and political parties. A ballot paper shall be declared invalid pursuant to the provisions of subsections 57 (8) and (9) of this Act.

(4) The voting results of voters permanently residing in a foreign state shall not be disclosed before 8 p.m.

(5) A standard format record shall be prepared concerning verification of the voting results of voters permanently residing in a foreign state. The chairman of the committee shall sign the record. The date and time of preparation of the record shall be indicated therein.

(6) The voting results of voters permanently residing in a foreign state shall be verified in public, taking into account the restrictions prescribed in subsection 58 (6) of this Act.