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Article 11

The following documents shall be attached to each list of candidates:

1)   a statement signed by each candidate nominated on the list of candidates certifying his/her consent to the nomination and the processing of his/her personal data to be performed in accordance with the provisions of this Law;

2)   the campaign platform not exceeding 4,000 characters signed by all the candidates on the list of candidates;

3)   a declaration signed by each candidate on the list of candidates stating that the candidate is eligible according to Article 4 of this Law and that the restrictions stated in Article 5 of this Law do not apply to him/her;

31) a statement signed by each candidate on the list of candidates attesting to his/her proficiency in the official language on a level appropriate for fulfilment of professional duties;

4)   the following data concerning the candidate as confirmed by his/her signature:

a)   full name, year of birth, gender, and, if the candidate wishes to declare them, his/her nationality and family status;

b)   ID number;

c)  foreign citizenship (nationality), if any;

d)  place of residence (city or municipality);

e)  places of employment and positions (including positions in political parties, religious organisations, trade unions, associations and foundations) or if not employed by an employer, nature of work performed and status;

f)  completed education (name of institution, year of graduation, educational level achieved or degree earned, area of specialisation);

g) (Deleted with the 6 February 2014 Law);

h)  information as to whether the person has or has not collaborated with the USSR’s, the Latvian SSR’s or another country’s state security, intelligence or counterintelligence services on a contractual basis as an agent or a resident officer or owner of an apartment used for clandestine activities;

i)  according to the status on 1 January of the year of submission of the list of candidates – real estate (type and address) in the ownership or possession of the candidate (also as a result of  guardianship or trusteeship); vehicles owned by the candidate (land, air or water vehicles – their type, year of manufacture and registration) that are subject to mandatory registration with state institutions; real estate (type and address) leased to or rented from other persons by the candidate; the amount of the candidate’s debts if the value of each individual debt or their total exceeds 20 minimum monthly salaries as set by the government; loans issued by the candidate if the value of each individual loan or their total exceeds 20 minimum monthly salaries as set by the government; capital shares owned by the candidate, indicating their number and amount; cash reserves in the amount exceeding EUR 700; non-cash reserves and bank card account balances if their amount exceeds EUR 700 (indicating the name of each non-cash reserve holder or bank card issuer); securities – classified by type – owned by the candidate (indicating their type, number, amount [nominal value] and the name of the legal entity – security issuer; regarding privatisation and compensation vouchers, only the number of vouchers is indicated).

j)  (Deleted by the 9 March 2006 Law);

5) (Deleted by the 9 May 2002 Law).

(As amended by the 26 March 1998 Law, the 9 May 2002 Law, the 30 March 2002 Law, the 9 March 2006 Law, the 31 May 2007 Law, the 26 February 2009 Law, 12 September 2013 Law and the 6 February 2014 Law)