Second round of Mayoral/Gamgebeli elections and re-run elections
1. If a candidate fails to receive the necessary number of votes under Article 169 of this Law in the Mayoral/Gamgebeli elections, a second round of elections shall be called. The two candidates with the highest number of votes in the first round shall participate in the second round. If more than two candidates receive an equally high number of votes, or if several candidates following the top candidate receive an equal number of votes, all those candidates shall take part in the second round.
2. The CEC shall call the second round of Mayoral/Gamgebeli elections within three days after the expiry of the deadline for appealing a summary protocol of election results, provided the protocol is not appealed, but if the protocol is appealed, within three days after the court’s final decision enters into force, taking into account the court decision. The second round of elections shall be held not later than the 14th day after the CEC issues an ordinance on calling the second round.
3. The candidate who received the highest number of votes shall be deemed elected in the second round of the elections. If the candidates receive an equal number of votes, the candidate who received more votes in the first round shall be deemed elected. If the number of those votes is equal as well, the candidate who was registered earlier shall be deemed the winner.
4. If the registration of one or both of the candidates proceeding to the second round of elections is cancelled or if a candidate dies, re-run elections shall be held two months from the cancellation/death. The CEC shall fix the date of elections within three days after the above fact occurs.