Home > 4.1 Parliamentary elections > RUSSIAN FEDERATION - Federal Law on Elections of Deputies to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
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Article 41

1. A citizen of the Russian Federation who has a right to vote is entitled to be selfnominated candidate in a single-mandate electoral districts in the elections to the State Duma.

2. Candidate can be self-nominated only in one single-mandate electoral district. A selfnominated candidate cannot be nominated by a political party. In the case of non-compliance with these requirements, the valid nomination is a nomination about which the DEC was notified in accordance with this Article or with Article 43 of this Federal Law earlier, if within a day after receiving candidate will not submit to the DEC notification on withdrawal of his/her first nomination.

3. Self-nomination of a candidate in single-mandate electoral district shall be made within 25 days after the day of official publication of the decision to call the election of deputies of the State Duma.

4. A citizen of the Russian who is self-nominated candidate in single-mandate electoral district, shall submit to the corresponding DEC a written application of self-nomination, where he/she indicates a last name, first name and patronymic, date of birth and address of residence.

5. Along with the notification referred in part 4 of this Article the following documents shall be submitted to the corresponding DEC:

1) a statement of the candidate on his consent to stand in single-mandate electoral district with the obligation, if elected, to discontinue activities incompatible with the status of the deputy of the State Duma. The statement shall indicate the surname, first name and patronymic, date and place of birth, place of residence, series, number and date of issue of the passport or the document replacing the passport, the name or code of the body which issued the passport or the document replacing the passport, taxpayer identification number ( if applicable), citizenship, information on vocational training (if any) with the organization engaged in educational activities, the year of its completion, and details of the document on education and qualification, main place of work or service, position (if there is no main place of work or service - occupation) of the candidate; if the candidate is a deputy and exercises his powers on a temporary basis - the information about it with the name of the relevant representative body. If the candidate has had or has a criminal record, the statement shall contain information about the candidate's criminal record, and if the conviction is removed or cancelled, also information about the date of removal or cancellation of conviction. Statement shall be submitted on paper. From June 1, 2015 text of the statement can be made using the software on the basis of a document in machinereadable form, drawn up in the form prescribed by the CEC;

2) information on the amount and sources of income of the candidate, as well as on the property belonging to the candidate on the property right (including joint ownership), including information on bank deposits, securities. This information shall be submitted on paper in compliance with Appendix 1 to this Federal law and in machine-readable form in the form prescribed by the CEC. From June 1, 2015 a paper document containing the abovementioned information shall be made on the basis of a document in machinereadable form;

3) information about belongings of the candidate, his/her spouse and minor children of immovable property situated outside the territory of the Russian Federation, on the sources of obtaining funds with which the said property was acquired, on property obligations outside the territory of the Russian Federation of the candidate, as well as information about such obligations of his spouse and minor children. This information shall be submitted on the form provided by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation;

4) information on their expenses, as well as on the expenses of their spouse and minor children for each transaction for the acquisition of land, other real estate, vehicle, securities, shares (participation interests, units in the charter (share) capital of organizations), conducted over the past three years, if the transaction amount exceeds the total income of the candidate and his wife for the last three years preceding the transaction, and information on the sources for obtaining funds with which the transaction was performed. This information shall be submitted on the form provided by the decree of the President of Russian Federation.

6. Candidate has a right to indicate in application his/her affiliation with a political party or no more than one public association, registered in accordance with the law not later than one year before the election day, and his/her position in this political party, public association on condition of submitting a confirming document signed by the authorized person of this political party, public association or respective regional branch of political party, public association. In this case, the full title of the political party, public association, if it consists of not more than seven words shall be used in the electoral documents. If the full title of the political party, public association is composed of more than seven words, and the abbreviated title consists of not more than seven words - abbreviated title of political party, public association shall be used in the electoral documents. If both full and short title of the political party (except the political party which nominated federal list of candidates, candidates in single-mandate electoral districts), of a public association is composed of more than seven words, the candidate shall agree with one of the bodies of a political party, other public association and the district election commission on short title (consisting of not more than seven words) which must be used in electoral documents. Additionally, short title of the political party, public association is formed in compliance with the requirements provided for by Article 6 of the Federal law "On Political Parties", by provisions of the Federal Law of May 19, 1995 No 82-FZ "On Public Associations", and only from the words that compose the title of a political party, public association, stipulated in its statute.

7. A candidate shall submit a notification on self-nomination together with accompanying documents to the DEC personally and in terms stipulated y part 3 of this Article. Notification on self-nomination and accompanying documents can be submitted on a request by other persons if a candidate is ill or is detained in the detention centre. In this case, the authenticity of the signature of the candidate on the application must be certified by a notary or administration of the inpatient medical facility in which the candidate is being treated, the administration of the institution in which he is detained as a suspect or accused.

8. Notice of self-nomination and the accompanying documents are accepted by the DEC upon presentation of the candidate's passport or the document replacing the passport, a copy of which is produced in the DEC in the presence of the candidate and shall be signed by the person who received the notification and the accompanying documents. If the notification and the accompanying documents shall be submitted at the request of the candidate by another person to the DEC is submitted notarized copy of the passport of the candidate or the document replacing the passport. A candidate (other person) is also presenting copies of documents confirming the information about education, main place of work or service, on the position (occupation), and that the candidate is a deputy presented in the declaration of consent of the candidate to stand. If the applicant changed his last name, or first name or patronymic, the candidate (other person) must also present a copy of the corresponding documents.

9. The DEC shall immediately after the delivery of documents (copies) specified in part 8 of this Article, give to a candidate (to any other person who submitted the documents in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 43 of this Federal law) a document confirming their reception, followed by the indication of date and time of the start and the end of reception.

10. If at the time of filing of the notice of self-nomination of the candidate and the accompanying documents the formation of DEC has not been completed, said notice and the documents shall be submitted to the election commission of a Russian Federation subject, which until the formation of DEC carries out its mandate to work with the documents submitted by candidates. After the formation of the DEC and the appointment of its chairman the election commission of a Russian Federation subject sends these documents to the DEC.

11. The DEC or the Election Commission a Russian Federation subject places in the "Internet" (in "read only" mode) information on self-nominated candidates for the singlemandate electoral district, and information on changes od such information to the extent established by the CEC.