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Article 47

1. Up to 17 days before the election date, the delegates will meet at the parish headquarters, upon convocation by the respective president, to proceed to the selection of the members of the electoral offices for the polling stations or sections. The selection must be immediately notified to the president of the municipality. When the polling station has been divided into sections, only one delegate from each list, among those proposed by the candidates or by the representatives of the different lists, will attend the meeting.

2. If an agreement cannot be reached, the delegate of each list shall propose in writing to the president of the municipality or of the municipal administrative commission, 16 or 15 days before the election date, two citizens for each position yet to be filled, one of which will be selected within twenty-four hours through a draw carried out in the building of the municipality or of the neighborhood management and in the presence of the delegates of the lists competing in the election, within the polling section in question. In cases where no citizens are proposed by the delegates of the lists, the president of the municipality or the municipal administrative commission shall appoint the members of the electoral office whose positions are yet to be filled.

3. In the polling sections where the number of citizens with the requirements needed for the constitution of the electoral offices proves to be insufficient, the presidents of the municipalities shall appoint the members yet to be selected, among the citizens registered in the register of electors of the same parish.

4. The names of the members of the electoral office selected by the delegates of the lists or by the authorities mentioned in the previous numbers will be published in a public notice posted on the door of the parish headquarters within forty-eight hours. Any elector has the right to file a complaint against such selection to the president of the municipality or the municipal administrative commission within the next two days, based on noncompliance with the requirements established by this law.

5. This authority will decide the complaint within twenty-four hours. Should the complaint be upheld, a new appointment will take place through a draw carried out in the building of the municipality or the neighborhood management, and in the presence of the delegates of the lists competing in the election within the polling section in question.

6. Up to five days before the Election Day, the president of the municipality will draft the nomination of the members of the electoral offices for the polling stations and will inform the respective parishes.

7. Any appointed members of the electoral office of the polling station who up to three days before the elections justify, under the stipulated legal terms, their impossibility to carry out these functions, will immediately be substituted under the terms of no. 2 by the president of the municipality.

8. In municipalities where there are administrative neighborhoods, the powers attributed in this article to the president of the municipality or the municipal administrative commission will instead belong to the respective neighborhood managers.