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Special Voters List
Application to be entered in the special voters list.

The following provisions shall apply in relation to an application to be entered in the special voters list pursuant to section 17—

(a) the application shall be in the form directed by the Minister,
(b) the application shall be completed in accordance with the instructions provided thereon,
(c) the applicant shall, in the case of a first application and in the case of subsequent applications whenever required by the registration authority, furnish in support of his application a certificate in the form directed by the Minister from a medical practitioner certifying—

(i) the nature and extent of the physical illness or physical disability suffered by such applicant, and
(ii) an indication of the expected duration of such physical illness or physical disability,

(d) the application form duly completed and, where appropriate, the certificate referred to in paragraph (c) shall be delivered or sent by post, so as to be received by the registration authority not later than the date specified for that purpose in Rule 1.