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Article 37

Nomination of Candidates for Seimas Member

1. Candidates for Seimas member may be nominated:

1) in the multi-member constituency and single-member constituencies by the party which is registered pursuant to the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Political Parties (hereinafter: ‘the Law on Political Parties’) not later than 185 days prior to an election, meets the requirements regarding the number of party members as laid down in the Law on Political Parties and does not have the legal status of the party in respect of which the liquidation has been initiated or the legal status of the party placed under liquidation;

2) in a single-member constituency - by every citizen of the Republic of Lithuania who qualifies to be elected as a Seimas member, may declare himself to a candidate for Seimas member, provided his candidature is supported by signatures of no less than 1,000 voters of that constituency. If a party does not nominate a list of candidates, a candidate nominated by the party must be supported in a single-member constituency by the signatures of at least 1,000 voters of that constituency.

2. In the multi-member constituency parties shall nominate their candidates by presenting a list of candidates in which candidates are recorded in the succession established by the party. Unless the statutes of a party provide otherwise, candidates in single-member constituencies and the list of the candidates, recorded in succession, in the multi-member constituency must be approved at the congress or conference of the party. The list of candidates (joint list) must not include less than 25 and more than 141 candidates.

3. A party may nominate a candidate and a person may declare himself to be a candidate for Seimas member only after they have been registered as a participant of political campaign under the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Funding of, and Control over Funding of, Political Campaigns (hereinafter: ‘the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Funding of, and Control over Funding of, Political Campaigns‘).