Home > Submission of a list of candidates > SLOVAKIA - Act on Elections to the National Council
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Section 20

Registration of lists of candidates

(1) Lists of candidates which comply with this Act and ones rectified pursuant to section 19(2) shall be registered by the Central Electoral Commission not later than seventy days before polling day. Registration of the lists of candidates  is a precondition for the printing of ballot papers.

(2) The Central Electoral Commission shall refuse to register a list of candidates which does not comply with this Act and which  may not be rectified pursuant to section 19(2), and it shall do so within in a period pursuant to subsection (1).

(3) A decision of the Central Electoral Commission pursuant to subsection (1) or (2) shall be delivered by the electoral officer to the respective political party or coalition not later than twenty-four hours after having been made.

(4) Where the Central Electoral Commission decides pursuant to section 19 (2) on the registration of a list of candidates or on the registration of a rectified list of candidates, or where it decides not to register a list of candidates, then the respective political party or coalition may petition the Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic to issue a ruling on the decision. The Supreme Court may rule either to deregister a list of candidates, register a list of candidates or reinstate a candidate on a list of candidates.[12]The petition may be submitted not later than three days after the Central Electoral Commission has made the decision.

(5) After registering the lists of candidates, the Central Electoral Commission shall deliver a register of the candidates to the Ministry. Through district offices, the Ministry shall deliver the register to municipalities not later than forty days before polling day. Municipalities shall ensure that electors receive the register of candidates not later than twenty-five days before polling day. For the purpose of postal voting, the Ministry shall publish the register of candidates  on its web site not later than forty days before polling day.