Home > Age > RUSSIAN FEDERATION - Federal Law on Presidential Elections in the Russian Federation
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Article 3

1. The Russian Federation citizen who has reached the age of 18 shall have the right to elect the President of the Russian Federation, take part in candidate nomination for the position of the Russian Federation President, the election campaign, observing the Presidential Elections in the Russian Federation, work of election commissions, including defining the voting and elections results and participate in performing other election activities within the procedure set by this Federal Law, other federal laws.

2. A person may be elected President of the Russian Federation if he is not less than 35 years old, has been permanently residing in the Russian Federation for at least 10 years.

3. The Russian Federation citizen residing or located outside the Russian Federation territory while preparation and holding of the Presidential Elections in the Russian Federation shall have the same rights as other Russian Federation citizens at the Presidential Elections in the Russian Federation.

4. The Russian Federation citizen may not elect and be elected President of the Russian Federation, take part in other election activities if he is declared a legally incompetent person by court or if he is imprisoned by the court verdict.

5. The Russian Federation citizen may not be elected President of the Russian Federation if he is a President of the Russian Federation for the second successive term at the date of the official publication (publishing) of the resolution on calling the elections of the Russian Federation President.

5.1. The Russian Federation citizen may not be elected President of the Russian Federation if he is the citizen of a foreign country or has a residence permit or another document confirming the right of the Russian Federation citizen to permanent residence in the foreign country. (clause 5.1. has been introduced by Federal Law No. 128-FZ of July 25, 2006)

5.2. The Russian Federation citizen may not be elected President of the Russian Federation if:

1) he is condemned to imprisonment for serious offence and (or) felony and has an outstanding or unexpunged conviction for the stated offence as of the voting date;

2) he is condemned for committing an extremist crime specified by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and has an outstanding or unexpunged conviction for the stated offence as of the voting date;

3) administrative penalty has been applied to him for committing administrative offences provided by articles 20.3 and 20.29 of the Administrative Offence Code of the Russian Federation if the voting at the Presidential Elections in the Russian Federation takes place before expiration of the term within which the person is deemed to be given the stated penalty; (as amended by Federal Law No. 211-FZ of July 24, 2007).

4) the court decision in effect has established violation of the restrictions provided by article 56, clause 1 of the Federal Law On Basic Guarantees of Voting Rights and the Right to Take Part in a Referendum Belonging to the Russian Federation Citizens or performing other actions provided by article 76, clause 7, sub-clause “g”, and clause 8, sub-clause “g”, of Federal Law On Basic Guarantees of Voting Rights and the Right to Take Part in a Referendum Belonging to the Russian Federation Citizens committed by this citizen if the stated violations or the actions have been committed within the period not exceeding four years before the voting date. (clause 5.2. has been introduced by Federal Law No. 64-FZ of April 26, 2007)

6. the Russian Federation citizen in respect of which the court verdict on depriving of the right to hold public positions within a certain period has become effective if such penalty is provided by the federal law may not be registered as a candidate for the position of the Russian Federation President if the voting at the elections takes place before expiration of the term set by the court