Home > Restrictions to the right to be candidate > RUSSIAN FEDERATION - Federal Law on Presidential Elections in the Russian Federation
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Article 6

1. Candidates for President of the Russian Federation (hereinafter — the “candidates”) may be nominated by political parties having the right to take part in the elections including by nominating candidates (hereinafter — “political parties”) in accordance with Federal Law On Political Parties No. 95-FZ of July 11, 2001 (hereinafter — the “Federal Law On Political Parties) and in the form of self-nomination. The Russian Federation citizen may nominate his own candidature provided that his self-nomination is supported by a group of voters. (as amended by Federal Law No. 93-FZ of July 21, 2005).

2. The Russian Federation citizen may not be nominated candidate if he has no right to be elected President of the Russian Federation.

3. The Russian Federation citizen who has held the office of the Russian Federation President and has early terminated exercising the authorities of the Russian Federation President in case of retirement, permanent inability to exercise the authorities belonging to him for health reasons or in case of suspension from office may not be nominated candidate at the elections called due to early termination of exercising his authorities.