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Article 55A

Broadcasting with private radio and televisions:

(Rearrangement: 15/7/2003-4928/3 art.)

 Private television and radio institutions are subject to articles 5, 20, 22 ve 23 and second clause of Article 31 of 2954 numbered Turkish Radio and Television Law in their broadcastings from the beginning date of the elections until the end of elections. 

 (Additional second clause: 8/4/2010-5980/4 art) Political parties representatives and independent candidates may attend programs, panels, interviews on radios and televisions from the beginning of elections until 24 hours prior to election date. Political parties and candidates open or closed area meetings may be broadcasted live. 

According to the provisions of article above, Supreme Election Council is fully  authorized to determine broadcasting principles of private radio and television broadcastings.  

For monitoring, inspection and evaluation of appropriteness of the broadcasting, Supreme Election Council is authorized for radios and televisions at national basis and for local radios and televisions,  District Election Boards are authorized.  

 Claims may be issued against the decisions of District Election Boards within twenty four hours to Provincial Election Boards. Decisions of Provincial Election Boards are final.  

 Supreme Election Council is authorized to determine nation-wide broadcasting radios and televisions. Decisions of Supreme Election Council on this issue are published in Official Gazette.