Home > 2.7 Election funding > TÜRKIYE - Law on Basic Provisions of Elections and Voter Registers
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Article 182

Charges to be paid:

(Change: 10/9/1987 - 3403/3 art.)

(Change: 26/8/1999 - 4448/3 art.) Supreme Election Council decides the amounts that will be paid to assigned personnel that will work within working hours, representatives of political parties, and those who will be assigned outside with condition not exceeding the amount obtained by multiplying public servants monthly coefficient with 600 (six hundred) indication number. (Additional sentence: 13/3/2008-5749/13 art.) Council of Ministers is authorized to increase these charges four times upon request of Supreme Election Council. These charges are not subject to any taxation. (2)

Transportation costs of those who are assigned in another neighborhood, are paid due to the provisions of Travel Expenses Law.