1. The candidate shall open a special election account for creation of his election fund before the date of submission to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation of documents for the candidate’s registration.
2. Such special election account shall be opened in a branch of the Savings Bank (Sberbank) of the Russian Federation.
3. The candidate may open only one special election account for creation of his election fund.
4. Special election bank account of the candidate shall be opened after registration by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation of authorized representatives of the candidate’s political party, authorized representatives of a group of voters, the candidate’s authorized representative for financial issues on the basis of the document issued by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation simultaneously with the registration of the authorized representative for financial issues.
(as amended by Federal Law No. 93-FZ of July 21, 2005)
5. Once the documents provided by this Federal Law and executed in the manner set forth in this Federal Law have been produced, the branch of the Savings Bank (Sberbank) of the Russian Federation must open a special election account for the candidate. No fee for the bank’s services of opening and operation of the account shall be charged. No interest shall be paid by the bank for the use of funds in the special election account. All monetary funds credited to the special election account shall be in the currency of the Russian Federation.
6. All financial transactions in the special election account, except for return of unspent funds to the election fund and crediting funds transferred before voting day to the above account, shall stop on voting day. Financial transactions relating to payment of expenses from special accounts of candidates who failed to submit to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation the documents required for registration in the manner set forth in this Federal Law, or whose registration was denied, or who withdrew their statement of consent to stand in elections, or withdrew their candidature, or were withdrawn by the political party, or with respect to whom a resolution on cancellation or annulment of registration was passed shall be terminated by branches of the Savings Bank (Sberbank) of the Russian Federation under the instruction of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation.
(as amended by Federal Law No. 93-FZ of July 21, 2005)
7. The candidate shall be personally responsible for violation of the procedure for financing of a candidate’s election campaign set fort by the Federal Law.
8. In case of holding a second round of voting, financial transactions relating to payment of expenses from special election accounts of registered candidates participating in the second round of voting shall be resumed at the date of appointment by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation of the repeat voting date and cease at the date of holding the second ballot.
9. On the basis of the candidate’s application the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation may extend the period for performance of financial transactions relating to payment for works (goods, services) performed (acquired, provided) before the date of termination (suspension) of financial transactions in the special election account.
(clause 9 as amended by Federal Law No. 93-FZ of July 21, 2005)
10. Special election account shall be closed by the candidate before the date of submission by the candidate of a final financial statement.
(clause 10 introduced by Federal Law No. 93-FZ of July 21, 2005)
11. The procedure for opening, maintaining and closing of special election accounts shall be determined by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation and agreed with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
(clause 11 introduced by Federal Law No. 93-FZ of July 21, 2005)