(1) The elections campaign may be organized by the candidates themselves, by the proposers of candidates or of a list of candidates, by the political parties or by other elections campaign organizers and in the case of referendum, by the proposer of referendum and other subjects interested in result of the referendum (hereinafter referred to as elections campaign organizers). The interested subjects under this paragraph may the citizens of the Republic of Slovenia having the voting right and individuals performing commercial activities as self-employed persons, independent entrepreneurs and legal entities with registered office in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia.
(2) The elections campaign organizer shall be responsible for the regularity of conducting elections campaign. The elections campaign organizer shall also be responsible for such actions in the elections campaign, for which he has authorized other operators in writing.
(3) The same lists of candidates and individual candidates for elections of the deputies to the National Assembly and members to the European Parliament and candidates for elections for the President of the Republic may have only one elections campaign organizer.
(4) In the elections for the representative and individual local community bodies each list of candidates and individual candidates may have only one elections campaign organizer.
(5) Every proposer of a referendum or any other subject interested in the result of a referendum may have only one elections campaign organizer.
(6) Foreign legal or natural persons shall not be allowed to organize the elections campaign.
(7) In the Republic of Slovenia it shall not be allowed to conduct elections campaign for the elections taking place in another state.