AUSTRIA - Extracts of the Costitution (2000)
BELGIUM - Constitution (2020)
BELGIUM - Extracts Constitution (2014)
BELGIUM - Extracts of the Constitution (2001)
BULGARIA - Constitution (2015)
BULGARIA - Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria (2023)
CROATIA - Constitution (2010)
CROATIA - Extracts of the Constitution (2013)
FINLAND - Constitution (2011)
FINLAND - Constitution (2018)
HUNGARY - Extracts of the Constitution (2013)
ITALY - Extracts of the Constitution (2024)
SLOVAKIA - Constitution (2002)
1DENMARK - Consolidated Act Concerning the Election of the Danish Members of the European Parliament (2024)
AUSTRIA - Austrian European Electoral Records Act (2003)
AUSTRIA - Federal Law on the Election of the National Council (National Council Election Regulation 1992 – NRWO) (1992)
BULGARIA - Election Code (2019)
BULGARIA - Election Code (2020)
BULGARIA - Election Code (2021)
BULGARIA - Election Code (2014)
BULGARIA - Election Code (2023)
DENMARK - Parliamentary Elections Act (2019)
DENMARK - Parliamentary Elections Act (2020)
DENMARK - Parliamentary Elections Act (2024)
DENMARK- Parliamentary Election Act (2009)
FINLAND - Elections Act (2016)
GEORGIA - Election Code (2021)
GEORGIA - Election Code (2016)
GEORGIA - Election Code (2018)
HUNGARY - Act C on Electoral Procedure (1997)
HUNGARY - Act CXIII of 2003 on the Election of Members of the European Parliament (2018)
HUNGARY - Act CXIII of 2003 on the Election of Members of the European Parliament (2013)
HUNGARY - Act CXIII of 2003 on the election of members of the European Parliament (2003)
HUNGARY - Act XXIII of 2022 Amending Certain Electoral and Related Laws (2022)
HUNGARY - Act XXXVI of 2013 on Electoral Procedure (2018)
HUNGARY - Act XXXVI of 2013 on Electoral Procedure (2013)
HUNGARY - Act XXXVI on Election Procedure (2021)
IRELAND - Electoral Act (2016)
LITHUANIA - Law on Referendum (2002)
LITHUANIA - Law on the Elections to the European Parliament (2003)
MALTA - Act to Regulate the Formation, the Structures, Functioning and Financing of Political Parties and their Participation in Elections (2015)
MALTA - European Parliament Elections Act (2023)
NETHERLANDS - Elections Act (2013)
POLAND - Election Code (2019)
POLAND - Election Code (2011)
POLAND - Election Code Amendments (2023)
ROMANIA - Law No. 208 (2015)
ROMANIA - Law no. 208/2015 on the election of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, as well as on the organisation and functioning of the Permanent Electoral Authority (2015)
ROMANIA - Law no. 33 on the Rules and Regulations on the Elections to the european Parliament (2009)
ROMANIA - Law No. 334 (2006)
ROMANIA - Law no. 334/2006 on financing the activity of political parties and electoral campaigns (2006)
ROMANIA - Law on the Election of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, as well as the Organisation and Functioning of the Permanente Electoral Authority (2020)
ROMANIA - Law on the Organisation and Conduct of the Elections to the European Parliament (2022)
ROMANIA - Regulations for the 2016 Election of Local Public Administration Authorities (2015)
SLOVAKIA - Act on conditions for the exercise of the right to vote (2019)
SLOVAKIA - Act on Election Campaign (2019)
SLOVENIA - Election of Slovenian Members of the European Parliament (2017)
SLOVENIA - Election of Members of the European Parliament Act (2004)
SLOVENIA - Elections and Referendum Campaign Act (2013)
SLOVENIA - Elections and Referendum Campaign Act (ZVRK) (2007)
SPAIN - Representation of the People Institutional Act (2011)
SWEDEN - Elections act (2021)
SWEDEN - Elections Act (2005)
UNITED KINGDOM - European Parliamentary Elections Act (2002)
UNITED KINGDOM - Political Parties and Elections Act (2009)
BULGARIA- Joint Opinion on the Draft Election Code (2014)
HUNGARY - Joint Opinion on the 2020 Amendments to the Electoral Legislation (2021)
Report on Electoral Rules and Affirmative Action for National Minorities´Participation in Decision-Making Process in European Countries (2005)
Report on Proportional Electoral Systems: The Allocation of seats inside the lists (open/closed) lists (2015)
Report on the Abolition of Restrictions on the right to vote in General Elections (2005)
Report on the Impact of Electoral Systems on Women's Representation in Politics (2009)
Report out-of Country Voting (2011)