Home > 4.7 European elections > ROMANIA - Law on the Organisation and Conduct of the Elections to the European Parliament
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Article 13

(1) The national voters who are in another locality than in their domicile locality on the reference date may exercise their right to vote in any polling station and shall be entered by the president of the electoral bureau of the polling station on additional electoral rolls.

(2) The members of the electoral bureau of the polling station and thepersons with duties in maintaining order shall vote to the polling station where they carry out their activity and shall be entered on the additional electoral rolls.

(3) The national voters who are abroad on the reference date may vote inany polling station organised abroad and shall be entered on the additional electoral rolls.

(4) National voters who exercise their right to vote by means of the specialballot box shall be entered on the additional electoral rolls. 

(5) On the additional electoral rolls there shall also be enlisted the voterswho come to vote and prove by their identity document that they domicile in the jurisdiction of the said polling station, but they have been omitted from the permanent electoral roll, or from the copy of the permanent electoral roll from the polling station.

(6) The provisions of paragraphs (1)–(4) shall apply accordingly in the caseof the community voters.