(1) After the receipt of the statements of poll from all the electoral bureaux of the polling stations, and after the settlement of the objections and contestations received, the county electoral bureau, the Bucharest Municipality district electoral bureau or the electoral bureau for the polling stations abroad shall conclude a statement of poll centralising the items included in the statements of poll of the polling stations, as follows:
a) the total number of voters entered on the copies of the permanent electoral rolls and on the special electoral rolls (point a = point a1 + point a2), of which:
a1) the total number of voters entered on the copies of the permanent electoral rolls (point a1 > point b1);
a2) the total number of voters entered on the copies of the special electoral rolls (point a2 > point b2);
b) the total number of voters entered on the electoral rolls that have come to the poll (point b = point b1+ point b2 + point b3), of which:
b1) the total number of voters entered on the copies of the permanent electoral rolls that have come to the poll;
b2) the total number of voters entered on the copies of the special electoral rolls that have come to the poll;
b3) the total number of voters entered on the additional electoral rolls that have come to the poll;
c) the number of ballot papers received (point c >/ = point d + point e + point f);
d) the number of unused and annulled ballot papers;
e) the number of validly cast votes (point e </ = point b – point f, point e = sum of validly cast votes under point g);
f) the number of annulled votes;
g) the number of validly cast votes obtained by each roll of candidates or by each independent candidate;
h) the modality of settling the objections and contestations received.
(2) The provisions of Article 49 (5) and (7) shall apply accordingly.
(3) The statement of poll provided for in paragraph (1), together with thestatements of poll received from the electoral bureaux of the polling stations, as well as with all the objections and contestations, making up a sealed file, stamped and signed by the members of the county electoral bureau, of the Bucharest Municipality district electoral bureau or of the electoral bureau for the polling stations abroad, as well as all the files containing the electoral rolls used in the polling stations, except for the polling stations abroad, filed according to polling stations and types of rolls, shall be submitted under armed guard to the Central Electoral Bureau within 48 hours of the receipt of the last statement of poll from the electoral bureaux of the polling stations.