Home > 4.7 European elections > SLOVENIA - Elections and Referendum Campaign Act (ZVRK)
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Article 24

(1) Elections campaign organizers, whose lists have obtained mandates for deputies to the National Assembly or the European Parliament, shall be entitled to the reimbursement of expenses for the elections campaign in the amount of EUR 0.33 per vote in their favour, provided that the total amount of reimbursed expenses does not exceed the amount of the utilized funds as shown in the audit report of the Court of Auditors.


(2) Irrespective of the provision of the preceding paragraph the elections campaign organizer, whose list of candidates has obtained at least 6% of the total number of votes cast in the electoral unit or at least 2 % of the total number of votes cast in the country, shall also be entitled to partial reimbursement of expenses in the amount of EUR 0.17 per vote in favour of his list of candidates in such electoral unit or in the country.


(3) Elections campaign organizers for the delegates of the Italian and Hungarian national communities whose candidate has obtained a mandate or at least 25% of the total number of points calculated for all candidates members of the Italian or Hungarian minority, shall be entitled to partial reimbursement of elections campaign expenses in the amount of EUR 0.33 for every vote in their favour.


(4) In order to calculate the amount of partial reimbursement as referred to in the preceding paragraph, the number of votes obtained by an individual candidate shall be calculated by dividing his number of points with the total number of points received by all candidates and multiplying thus obtained percentage by the number of all valid ballot papers.