(1) The Permanent Electoral Authority shall exercise the duties provided for in Article 65 (1) of Law No. 35/2008 for the election to the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, and for the amendment and completion of Law No. 67/2004 for the election of local public administration authorities, of Law of local public administration No. 215/2001, and of Law No. 393/2004 on the Statute of the local elected officials, with the subsequent amendments and completions.
(2) The provisions of Law No. 334/2006 on the financing of the activity of political parties and of the electoral campaigns, republished, with the subsequent completions, shall apply accordingly.
(3) The cases in which the related community rules are directly applicableshall be an exception to the provisions of paragraph (2).
(4) With a view to enforcing the provisions of this law, the Permanent Electoral Authority or the Central Electoral Bureau, where appropriate, shall adopt decisions and instructions, which shall be published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I.
(5) The Permanent Electoral Authority together with the competent public authorities shall carry out the necessary formalities to accept members from Romania to the European Parliament.