Home > Counting procedures/validity of ballots > SLOVAKIA - Act on Election of the President of the Slovak Republic, Plebiscite, Recalling of President and Amending of some other Acts
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Article 1

(1) After the close of the poll, the chairman of the Precinct Election Committee shall order sealing up of unused ballot papers and envelopes and opening of the ballot box. Should the Precinct Election Committee have also used, upon request of citizens, a mobile ballot box, it shall mix the contents of both ballot boxes.

(2) The Precinct Election Committee shall take the envelopes with ballot papers out of the ballot box, count the envelopes and compare the number with records on the list of qualified electors. The Committee shall exclude all envelopes other than the ones under Section 21 § 2.  It shall also exclude all ballot papers, which were not in envelopes.

(3) After taking the ballot papers out of the envelopes, the Committee shall exclude invalid ballot papers and determine the number of votes gained by each candidate.

(4) Each member of the Precinct Election Committee can see the ballot papers. The chairman of the Precinct Election Committee shall control the counting of votes.

(5) In the room, where the Precinct Election Committee counts votes, the following are entitled to be present apart from its members: the registrar of the Precinct Election Committee, members of superior Election Committees and members of their professional (reporting) units, as well as the persons authorised by the Central Election Committee.