Home > 4.1 Parliamentary elections > DENMARK- Folketing (Parliamentary) Election Act
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Article 40

40.-(1) In case of standing in parallel more than one candidate shall stand for the party in the nomination district.

(2) The candidates shall be listed in alphabetical order on the ballot paper. The party may, however, file a registration to place a particular candidate first on the ballot paper (nomination), cf. section 41(2). Below the candidates of the nomination district shall be listed, in alphabetical order, any other candidates (of the party in question) in the multi-member constituency.

(3) In case of standing in parallel the party votes in the nomination district shall be distributed among the party candidates in that nomination district in proportion to their personal votes in the nomination district, cf. section 73(5).

(4) In case of standing in parallel the candidates shall be elected in the order of the size of their votes, cf. section 81.