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Article 118.43

(1) Every payment made by an election agent in respect of any expenses incurred on account of or in respect of the conduct or management of an election shall, except where less than fifty-eight cents (0.58), be vouched for by a bill stating the particulars and by a receipt.

(2) Every claim against a candidate at an election or hiselection agent in respect of any expenses incurred on account of or in respect of the conduct or management of such election, which isnot sent in to the election agent within the time limited by this Ordinance, shall be barred and shall not be paid; and subject to such exception as may be allowed in pursuance of this Ordinance,an election agent who pays a claim in contravention of this article shall be guilty of an illegal practice.

(3) Except as by this Ordinance permitted, the time limited bythis Ordinance for sending in claims shall be fourteen days after the day on which the candidate returned is declare delected.

(4) All expenses incurred by or on behalf of a candidate at an election, which are incurred on account of or in respect of the conduct or management of such election, shall be paid within the time limited by this Ordinance and not otherwise; and, subject to such exception as may be allowed in pursuance of this Ordinance, an election agent who makes a payment in contravention of this provision shall be guilty of an illegal practice.

(5) Except as by this Ordinance permitted, the time limited by this Ordinance for the payment of such expenses as aforesaid shall be twenty-eight days after the day on which the candidate returned is declare delected.

(6) Where it has been proved to the satisfaction of the court bya candidate that any payment made by an election agent in contravention of this article was made without the sanction or connivance of such candidate, the election of such candidate shall not be void, nor shall he be subject to any incapacity under this Ordinance by reason only of such payment having been made in contravention of this article.

(7) If the election agent in the case of any claim sent in to him within the time limited by this Ordinance disputes it, or refuses or fails to pay it within the said period of twenty-eight days, such claim shall be deemed to be a disputed claim.

(8) The claimant may, if he thinks fit, bring an action for a disputed claim in the competent civil court; and any sum paid by the candidate or his agent in pursuance of the judgment or order of such court shall be deemed to be paid within the time limited by this Ordinance, and to be an exception from the provisions of this Ordinance requiring claims to be paid by the election agent.

(9) On cause shown to the satisfaction of the competent civilcourt, the court on application by the claimant or by the candidate or his election agent may, by order, give leave for the payment by a candidate or his election agent of a disputed claim, or of a claim for any such expenses as aforesaid, although sent in after the time in this article mentioned for sending in claims, or although the same was sent in to the candidate and not to the election agent.

(10) Any sum specified in any such order may be paid by the candidate or his election agent, and when paid in pursuance of such leave shall be deemed to be paid within the time limited by this Ordinance.